*Our mission is to raise the vibration of this planet... it is not to sell you something you don't think is right for you. That's why we offer a NO QUESTIONS ASKED, total money back guarantee. All you have to do to request your money back is contact us (via an online form - issued to you once you purchase) within 7 days of purchase. That's it!
The goal of this program is to guide and assist you to navigate the challenges that may arise along your journey.
This is an Online Digital Course, guiding and inspiring awakening families to elevate their consciousness and return home to love – Source Energy.
The course has lessons, on key topics critical for navigating your ascension and spiritual awakening journey. Pete and Roxy as co-directors are teachers and will help to inspire and guide you along with exclusive education and practical exercises for you and your family to learn.
The universe has guided you to this point... it's now up to you to decide, do I follow where I am guided or do I continue making decisions from a 3D brain state...
We can't wait to be part of this journey with you!
Pete and Roxy