Prepare For Ascension

With a 1-on-1 Healing Session With Roxy or Pete!

"Your life CHANGES when you DECIDE to take ACTION"

Remove blocks & negative energy flows for peace, joy, abundance

DNA Activations to turn on your gifts and abilities!

Star Family Reunion and Galactic akashic records reading

Soul Split & Soul Fracture Merge

Negative Subconscious Programs removed

Cell Rejuvenation for higher energy and vitality

Organ, Blood and Nervous System Upgrades

Chakra Balance

Past Life Regression

Take A Look At Our Socials

Our purpose in life – To help raise the vibration, to help inspire and to be of Service to Humanity Globally.

We want you to know we have survived our Awakening Journey!!! and that everything you are going through is okay and “everything will be okay”!!! You are on the right path!

Our purpose in life – To help raise the vibration, to help inspire and to be of Service to Humanity Globally.

We want you to know we have survived our Awakening Journey!!! and that everything you are going through is okay and “everything will be okay”!!! You are on the right path!

More about Pete and Roxy Below

Listen to Megan describe her Med Bed experience

"I had an amazing MedBedSession .  She was taking me to the starship with ease,  perfect guidance and loving care. Together with the galactic beings and the scans in the MedBed we removed old dense belief patterns from my lightbody and chakras and integrated soul aspects. I felt deeply at home in the ship with my pleiadian and Arcturian friends- looking forward to coming back soon."

Why A Med Bed Healing Session?


Which means it doesn't matter where in the world you live!

  • Gain a Deep Connection to Source Energy, Galactic Consciousness and your Soul essence

So you can finally live in total alignment with who you are destined to be and start ascending towards 5D.

  • Connect with the Higher Realms, Arc Angels and your Star Family

Which means you can finally form those connections you've always felt existed, that you've always wondered were real or not.

  • Removal of Negative Energy Blocks & Root Cause Emotion Found and Released

So you can finally be free of the past and focus on ascending into your best self right away.

  • Dense Energy in the Physical Body & Energy Body will be Transmuted

Which means you can feel instantly lighter, instantly ready to overcome those things that have been holding up your ascension.

  • Discover Your Purpose and Mission for this Lifetime!

So you can stop wondering why...

PLUS so much more...

  • DNA Activations & Akashic Records Reading

  • Soul Split & Soul Fracture Merge

  • Negative Subconscious Programs Neutralised

  • Cell Rejuvenation

  • Release old energy within the body - Organ, Blood and Nervous System Upgrades

  • Chakra Balance

  • Past Life Regression

In this session you will be guided to the quantum field to work with higher consciousness.

Here you will be guided into the vibrational room on the galactic federation ship, and the Pleiadians will assist us to facilitate a healing session for frequency upgrades for elevation of consciousness and to help clear negative density in your aura, organs and chakras.

The Pleiadians will also be able to help you activate light codes, DNA and cell genes for higher elevation of consciousness and to help you merge back with your higher self in preparation for the ascension.

The Pleiadian beings will work on you while you tap into the root casual emotional injury. While in session we will be communicating with the Pleiadian beings and will relay the information to you live in the channeling session.

This session is done remotely, via zoom and is a voice call as we will be going into deep meditation while in session. All calls recorded and audio sent to you afterwards :)



Pete & Roxy

Healing Session Price = $333 USD


Roxy is a Quantum Field Energy Healer who connects in with your higher-self and takes you on a journey to the Galactic Federation Star ship to use advanced technologies including plasma med beds.

Sessions available are

*Med bed healing sessions

*Pleiaidan Channelling session

*5D Business Coaching

*Spiritual Mentoring


Pete is heavily involved with advanced technology aboard the Galactic Federation Ship. He works closely with Pleiadians, Arcturians, commander Ashtar and the high realm beings.

Sessions available are

*Med bed healing sessions

*Pleiaidan Channelling session

*5D Business Coaching

*Spiritual Mentoring

Our Highly Trained Healers

MedBed Session Price = $195 USD


Claudia is a Quantum Field Energy Healer and Holistic Coach. Her aim is to help you shed false beliefs and conditioning from your childhood, letting go of shadow energy that is holding you back. Working closely with clients, Claudia focuses on correcting root energy imbalances to restore love, happiness, and abundance in her client's lives. Experience profound transformation as you explore the power of whole body alchemy with Claudia.

Claudia's Testimonies

Cyndie Leonard

I was instantly comfortable with Claudia. Her light and understanding came through from the moment she said hello. When she asked me what I wanted to work on in my session I kind of mumbled out about how I was having a hard time shutting my mind down in meditation, along with a few other things. I was having a hard time saying what I was trying to say, but she immediately knew what it was that I meant, that I was having difficulty connecting to Source.

As we went into the session I had complete faith in Claudia because she understood what I was there for and wanted to help. It was a beautiful session where I learned about myself and I healed from traumas that my memory had long since forgotten but my heart had not. In the day since the session, I feel much more grounded and connected to Gaia as well as a little more comfortable in this human skinsuit so I can be of service in this experience we call life.

I am trying to live in the gratitude of the moment and take in everything that I got from this session. I highly recommend Claudia to elevate your frequency and would do sessions with her daily, if only she could!

Julie Ngoun

I am very grateful to experience a healing session with Claudia! She is very gifted and gentle with the process to help uncover deep patterns that came up to be healed. We addressed things from the womb to my 20s to all help allow me to step into a better version of me. She reminded me to forgive and love all versions of me, which was one of my biggest takeaways.

She also helped me shed things that I have been holding onto that has been blocking me which was spot on and what I exactly needed. Claudia is gentle, yet powerful, she makes the whole experience feel full of love and beautiful. I feel a lot lighter and shifted. Do not hesitate to book a session with Claudia, she is wonderful and full of light!

Indre Azizeh

I felt like dancing after a session! It was my first time to feel this way after a therapy. I always cry, but this time it just felt like putting the boxes to the right places, all became more clear

Ruth Harvard

I had an amazing Med-Bed session with Claudia. It only took me a minute to get comfortable and before I knew it she had me travelling up to the ship where I could see the Pleiadians gather around me. With her guidance and visions, she could see and feel everything that was happening during my healing session. I walked away with clarity, balance, knowing and the ability to let go! My Intention was to "Let Go" I highly recommend that everyone try a Med-Bed session. Thank you, Claudia. Love and Light.

Cynthia Casas

Claudia is extremely gifted and accurate. She is also very gentle and just wonderful at running the sessions. I felt comfortable and loved, never judged. I have had meany different types of sessions and by far Claudia exceeds all expectations and runs a beautiful session providing amazing results.

Monica Christina Hartman

Being at Claudia's Med Bed Session was a beautiful experience. She is a warm and welcoming person and I found the Session with her to be very professionally conducted. The energy and protection was at its peak throughout the Session.

In the Session, Claudia told me that the Galactic Guides removed some kind of ancestral blockages that resembled chains from my feet and ankles.

As it was worked on my chest, I felt a very warm and friendly hand from the Arcturian Guide Julie placed on my chest.

I also received a download of pure energy directly from the great Star Arcturus. Directly afterward, I felt peacefulness.

From my personal experience, I can highly recommend Claudia's Med Bed Sessions.

Trish P

If you haven't yet had a medbed healing session with Claudia, I would highly recommend it. Claudia guides you into a meditative state which is calming and at the same time exciting. Her gentle guidance directs you on a sensory journey through visualisation into a state of pure trust and relaxation.

I felt safe and loved and Claudia had such a connected intuitive ability to bring back some of my shadow childhood memories that I had locked away in my subconscious mind.

Having Claudia help me tap into the emotions and feelings behind these memories, really helped me and once these old memories came through to the surface the awareness really helped to liberate them from my soul. If you have not experienced this type of healing before just give it a try., you will be pleasantly surprised by what you will experience and it is all good healing medicine I promise.


Caprice is an Inner Being Consultant, Channel and ET/MedBed Healer & DNA Activator. She helps people connect to their Higher Self so they can create the joyful life they desire and meet their spirit/galactic team.

Rick M

I would like to recommend Caprice to anyone with an opened and awake mind to experience the ET Med Bed Energetic Healing that Caprice provides.

Caprice is very comfortable with who she is both in this 3D and beyond. And because of that she authentically and automatically will make you feel comfortable for the experience that you will have. It is obvious that she is an empath and can and will relate to you emotionally on a conscious and a spiritual level. I consider myself to be an awake and aware spiritually conscious person, however I am skeptical by nature.

Those feelings were all relieved once my experience began. The spiritual adept know that everything is energy and if you know that you are a god spark of the divine creator then you will experience the healing of both the physical as well as the emotional body during the session that you will receive. We are all trying to remember who we truly are and until the glimpses of that reality become the portrait of our existence people like Caprice can assist in that remembrance through the healing that she can provide. Take the leap, create the intention, make the decision, and experience the results. Your higher self will thank you for it.

Jennifer M

Caprice was amazing! Her session has left an impact on me. I find myself recollecting what was said in the session and who I was surrounded by. It was said that I have twin dragons and I have been sketching a drawing of them. I also have to say that the way she leads the meditation is so interesting and powerfully guided. I can honestly say that I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I initially wanted to be lead by Pete & Roxy however now I cant see myself being led by anyone but Caprice. I had an unhealed aspect from childhood and since the session my healed energy allowed space for more abundance. When our session finished I looked outside of my window and there was a $20 bill blowing in the wind in front of my house! I cant wait for another session.

Jill T

Caprice has amazing insight and energy. My Med Bed appointment surpassed my expectations! Her guidance really helped me work through some stuff I'd buried deep. I feel physically and emotionally lighter than before and have a beautiful outlook from this session. Look forward to doing it again!

Serita V

Med-Bed experience was amazing. I'll be honest that I had no idea what to expect. Caprice walked me through the process and always asked me if I had questions throughout to keep my mind at ease. It did bring up some trauma from my past that I had thought I had gotten over. When this occurred Caprice was patient with me and walked me through the next steps. I felt a little tired but clearer after the session. I can't wait for my next one!

Dorothy B.

This was truly a one of a kind extraordinary, feast for the senses type of healing session!! I am so happy and grateful that Caprice gives a recording of the session to listen to and digest afterwards, as the amount of information, visuals, and emotion cannot be fully processed just in the moment. If accessing the quantum field on your own through meditation sounds daunting, I highly recommend this technicolor guided experience, complete with spectacular settings, and lots of interesting and dynamic characters, all of whom show up in support of YOUR healing and wellbeing!!

It's been over a week since I've done this session, and the positive sensation it left me with immediately is still very much a part of my daily experience. I will relisten to it multiple times, and am very likely to do another 'tune up' session in the future. My immense gratitude to Caprice and the work that she does!!

Chelsea D

Last week I had the delight to sit was Caprice for a Med Bed session. I don't want to get into what the session is but rather what the end result was. For me, the experience released the root of core wounds that I had been trying to release for years. I think that because I have been doing so much self-growth work over the years, these areas released easily. This session is exactly what I've been searching for. Sometimes things, energies, memories get stuck and no amount of talk therapy, reflection, yoga, or crying can remove the roots. This process is exactly what I needed to clean up the final steps that have allowed me to move on from past trauma that was holding me back.

Most of all, what I can say is this, If you feel called to do this; if there is a tugging, excitement, or curiosity. Schedule a session!


Shila has a strong and clear connection with the galactic beings on the star ship.  This session will feel incredible and you will receive upgrades and activations. Shila will help facilitate the session to clear blocks and barriers that have been hindering your healing and ascension.

Shila's Testimonies

Tania Lee

I had a healing this morning with Shila and the med bed. I would highly recommend this healing. I haven’t been able to walk properly for some time. Today I’ve been all but running. I am excited to save up for my next healing. It truly was an OM- AZING experience. My body is still releasing toxins from every hole it can release from.

Thank you Shila for the OM-AZING EXPERIENCE 

Julie Logan Schlomer

I had a session this week with Shila. I was amazed the next morning when I walked to the bathroom and wasn’t in any lupus pain. Normally when I wake up my whole body hurts. So this healing was amazing to me!

I am taking a mediumship course and usually I feel like I’m guessing at the answers in my practice readings. But after my med bed session I felt like I was right on target with my practice readings!

Alison Ireland

Wow… What a beautiful experience, I didn’t want it to end. Thank you so much Shila for making me feel extremely welcome & relaxed. I was feeling very stuck & alone & this has really helped me to feel more optimistic. It was such an amazing experience to feel so much love, light, energy & emotion being in such a relaxed state. Really looking forward to another session.

Jeannie David

Wow, wow, wow – I simply cannot say enough about my Med Bed healing experience with Shila! She immediately put me at ease. Once the session began, her soothing voice and calming demeanor gently guided me onto an unforgettable trip to the Quantum Field, where I stepped aboard a Galactic ship and met the ET’s who were so willing to help me on my healing journey. Throughout the session, Shila was able to narrate and describe exactly what was happening.

From a personal standpoint, I found this particular healing modality exceptionally powerful and profound. Trauma and density from not only this life, but from past lives were cleared from my body and auric field via the ET’s and med bed. The shift was immediate – I felt lighter which enabled me to enter into a higher state of consciousness. Since my session with Shila, I now have a deeper connection to Source and more clarity in my day-to-day life. I absolutely would recommend a Med Bed session with Shila to help you on your healing journey!

Pete & Roxy (Booked Out!)

Healing Session Price = $250 USD

Due to the popularity of Awakening Education's Unifyd TV Series, Peter and Roxy are booked out for MedBed Sessions until further notice.

If you would like to work 1-on-1 with either Peter or Roxy, please click here

If you would like to join the waitlist, please click here

How To Book Your

Med Bed

1. Complete the checkout below.

2. You'll be immediately directed to book a time.
3. Here you can choose your healer & a time that suits

Our healers are in Australia, Europe & the USA

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About Pete, Roxy & Awakening Education

We are a married couple with two little boys from Australia. Our awakening journey started August 2019. We have both been active Entrepreneurs since our teenage years and have always made Self-Development a priority so we can be the Best Version of Ourselves.

We've built and managed successful businesses and always loved to be of service and inspire others.

We are Professional Motivational Speakers helping inspire and motivate others. We are Mindfulness & Multi-dimensional Coaches, Intuitive Healers, Course Creators and are here to help Elevate Humanity and Planet Earth into higher consciousness.
Peter has been a mindfulness coach for over 10 years travelling the world educating clients how to train their brain and access Alpha and Gamma Brain States.

When we met, we wanted to settle down and have some kids and decided to find local work which led to building 3 successful businesses while living a life of our dreams by the beach, with friends and family.
In August 2019, both of us felt in our hearts that there was more to learn about life, humanity and what our true life purpose was. We started to meditate and began our awakening journey. We meditate daily now and we are connected to divine source being led by the heart and our higher self. We found we were waking up and elevating, and realising we are all one, we are all a spark of the divine and no one is better than anyone else.

We worked through deep negative emotional injuries from our traumatic childhood and now having removed our excess emotional baggage, purifying our vessels. we reconnected with our true selves, we knew and remembered who we were and got clarity on why we were here…!

Through this process we realigned with our purpose in life – To help raise the vibration, to help inspire and to be of Service to Humanity Globally.

In early 2020 Awakening Education was born which is an online platform for individuals globally, to begin their awakening journey and to help guide with elevation of consciousness.

Following this, we had a calling to train and learn all about multi-dimensionality and galactic truths. Through this process, we elevated even further by firstly cleaning out our inter-dimensional injuries and merging back with our higher self and soul self.

We both transitioned and found our gifts and abilities were awakening to help be of service to others. our visualisation and multidimensional abilities began to truly ignite.

This was the launching pad to connecting with higher vibrational beings including extraterrestrial and Light Beings from other dimensions and planets. this was something very profound and exciting as we felt called to help bridge the gap between galactic worlds and the planet.  with the help of galactic beings and the divine source of energy we were able to open up even more healing technology aboard a galactic federation starship and now continue to take people on journeys for self-healing via med bed Technology.

We want you to know we have survived our Awakening Journey!!! and that everything you are going through is okay and “everything will be okay”!!! You are on the right path!

Let’s together, Raise the Consciousness of YOU as an individual, and humanity and ascend into higher states of consciousness.

Wishing you a beautiful journey

Pete and Roxy xx

Message +1 (904) 966-4466


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