Immediate access to Pete and Roxy!

Start today, no wait times :)

Have EXCLUSIVE access to us 7 days a week for 30 DAYS!

We see FAST results with this coaching program!

What's included..

  • Onboarding call with Pete or Roxy (1 hour)

  • Weekly healing sessions with Pete and Roxy (4 in total)

  • 24 hour Instant messaging access for 30 days

  • 1:1 help and guidance to access the quantum field and communicate with galactic beings

  • 1:1 accountability coaching to transform your 4 part being and raise your vibration

  • Learn how to tune into people remotely

  • Access to all online training products by Pete and Roxy

You will see FAST & FULFILLING results when you work with our energy!

*Instant access to Pete and Roxy once payment is made. No waiting period.

If you are excited and feel like you want us to hold your hand longer, we do individual and family packages over 12 month, retainer option available upon request.

PLUS Receive Access To All Following Courses;

  • Advanced Brainstates Course

  • Multi-Dimensional Training

  • Galactic Training / How to Med Bed Course

  • Galactic Ambassador Private Community Access 12 months

  • 5 x priority 1:1 sessions with Pete or Roxy

  • Exclusive Instant access to Pete and Roxy

For ONLY $5,555

This is for you if...

.. if you are struggling to get that business deal over the line (you probably have a energy block!)

... if you cannot attract the right relationship and lover.. (you probably have a energy block or false belief)

... if you struggle with family life and work balance

... if you feel stuck in a trench

.. if you have it all, but don't feel fulfilled

... if you want to change your life and make a massive shift!!!




35,000+ Followers & Subscribers

1,500+ MedBed's Completed

World LEADING Galactic Healers




30,000+ Followers & Subscribers

500+ MedBed's Completed

World LEADING Galactic Healers

So Is This For You?

We are looking to work with serious people that want to elevate their consciousness and change their life forever!!

This program is for people who hold elevation of consciousness in high regard with importance!

We work with you personally, teaching you everything there is to know about elevation of consciousness, ascension and galactic truths.

We offer profound healing sessions weekly to remove density from your body, mind and spirit and to correct any negative energy flows or blocks holding you back.

This is the specific information healings and methods that we used to progress quickly on this journey.

This is for you if...

.. if you are struggling to get that business deal over the line

... if you cannot attract the right relationship

... if you struggle with family life and work balance

... if you feel stuck in a trench

.. if you have it all, but don't feel fulfilled

... if you want to change your life and make a massive shift!!!

We offer different healing modalities which are tailored to your human self so you can achieve higher energy flows, an overflow of downloads and a real sense of purpose.

Have access to our exclusive galactic team and med bed technology, learn how to remote view and more.

You will learn how to transform your frequency into higher states of consciousness for dimensional travel, wisdom and divine downloads from high realms and source energy.

This program will help you open up your gifts and abilities to be a potent lightworker or to help serve humanity further in the great awakening!

Live with love, joy and peace. Live with a knowing of inner gratitude and connection to source energy again. Be in flow and have the universe bring you an overflow of everything you could ever need.

Return home to your lightbody for ascension!

In order to find out more about our Exclusive Coaching Program, please click the button below.

If you are looking to change your life and have a spectacular, profound and amazing human experience this exclusive coaching program is for you. With love Pete and Roxy xx

Our mission

To help raise the vibration of the planet,

to help inspire individuals to be the best version of themselves & to be of service to humanity globally.

The Awakening Education Exclusive 1:1 Coaching Package Program will elevate your consciousness and expand your Galactic Awareness!!

This program is for light warriors and individuals who want to help elevate consciousness on this planet and step up to be of service!

Its for those souls looking to take their frequency to the next level and learn all things awakening!

You will love this program, you will thrive, flourish and return home to LOVE and TRUTH!

Awakening Education Reviewed

"Hear what our students are saying'

Rebecca, Australia

Megan, Australia

Lisa, Australia

Ange, Australia

Terry, USA

Julie, USA

Gai, Australia

Kathleen, The Netherlands

Listen to Megan describe her Awakening Education Experience

Even More Raving Reviews!

"I had an amazing MedBedSession with Roxy.  She was taking me to the starship with ease,  perfect guidance and loving care. Together with the galactic beings and the scans in the MedBed we removed old dense belief patterns from my lightbody and chakras and integrated soul aspects. I felt deeply at home in the ship with my pleiadian and Arcturian friends- looking forward to coming back soon."

"I had an amazing MedBedSession with Roxy.  She was taking me to the starship with ease,  perfect guidance and loving care. Together with the galactic beings and the scans in the MedBed we removed old dense belief patterns from my lightbody and chakras and integrated soul aspects. I felt deeply at home in the ship with my pleiadian and Arcturian friends- looking forward to coming back soon."

Awakening Education's Most

exclusive program

We have put together an AMAZING training program jam-packed with tools, education and high-frequency activations to help guide and inspire you to connect with galactic ships advanced healing technology in the quantum field.

The training program is either taken right now with our digital version, or live with Pete and Roxy throughout the year

The digital version is available right now and is made up or 12 lessons, 10 activities to learn how to access the star ship, use med bed technology and thrive! This is completed on our training platform, you will be sent a username and password once payment is recieve. (be sure to check spam/junk in case our email went in there!)

For the live version, Pete and Roxy will send you the zoom link the week prior to the LIVE Training on zoom. We meet for 5 weeks, every Monday morning 9am Brisbane, Australia time, and every Thursday morning 9am Brisbane, Australia. For Europe and USA that is your Sunday afternoon/evening, and your Wednesday afternoon/evening.

All classes in the LIVE training option are recorded so you can re-watch at any time :)

Even More Of What You'll Learn!

❤️ Meditation Mastery

❤️ How to raise your frequency to access the quantum field

❤️ How to access Quantum Field & move through quantum Stargate

❤️ How to open the portal into the starship

❤️ You will learn how the med bed works and how you can take people up for healing

❤️ Learn how to telepathically communicate with E.T.s

❤️ Learn how to become a healer and channel light force energy to clear density

❤️ Lightcodes and Activations from E.T. Species


Pete & Roxy


Roxy is a Quantum Field Energy Healer who connects in with your higher-self and takes you on a journey to the Galactic Federation Star ship to use advanced technologies including plasma med beds.


Pete is heavily involved with advanced technology aboard the Galactic Federation Ship. He works closely with Pleiadians, Arcturians, Commander Ashtar and the high realm beings.

What's stopping you from acsending?

Is there a reason you've been given the gifts you have in life?

Awakening Education runs 1 on 1 session and group training assisting people with their spiritual awakening journey. Pete and Roxy are experts in Galactic Coaching, Intuitive Healing and Med Bed Healing to raise your vibrations and consciousness. We also offer meditation mastery and spiritual awakening courses across the globe. Ready to start your awakening journey for a better life?

About Pete, Roxy & Awakening Education

We are a married couple with two little boys from Australia. Our awakening journey started August 2019. We have both been active entrepreneurs since our teenage years and have always made self-development a priority so we can be the best version of ourselves.

We've built and managed successful businesses and always loved to be of service and inspire others.

We are professional motivational speakers helping inspire and motivate others. We are mindfulness & multi-dimensional coaches, Intuitive Healers, Course Creators and are here to help Elevate Humanity and Planet Earth into higher consciousness.
Peter has been a mindfulness coach for over 20 years travelling the world educating clients how to train their brain and access Alpha and Gamma Brain States.

When we met, we wanted to settle down and have some kids and decided to find local work which led to building 3 successful businesses while living a life of our dreams by the beach, with friends and family.
In August 2019, both of us felt in our hearts that there was more to learn about life, humanity and what our true life purpose was. We started to meditate and began our awakening journey. We meditate daily now and we are connected to divine source, being led by the heart and our higher self. We found we were waking up and elevating, and realising we are all one, we are all a spark of the divine and we are here to help the planet evolve as one.

We worked through deep negative emotional injuries from our traumatic childhood and now having removed our excess emotional baggage, purifying our vessels. We reconnected with our true selves, we knew and remembered who we were and got clarity on why we were here…!

Through this process we realigned with our purpose in life – To help raise the vibration, to help inspire and to be of Service to Humanity Globally.

In early 2020 Awakening Education was born which is an online platform for individuals globally, to begin their awakening journey and to help guide with elevation of consciousness.

Following this, we had a calling to train and learn all about multi-dimensionality and galactic truths. Through this process, we elevated even further by firstly cleaning out our inter-dimensional injuries and merging back with our higher self and soul self.

We both transitioned and found our gifts and abilities were awakening to help be of service to others. our visualisation and multidimensional abilities began to truly ignite.

This was the launching pad to connecting with higher vibrational beings including extraterrestrial and Light Beings from other dimensions and planets. this was something very profound and exciting as we felt called to help bridge the gap between galactic worlds and the planet.  with the help of galactic beings and the divine source of energy we were able to open up even more healing technology aboard a galactic federation starship and now continue to take people on journeys for self-healing via med bed Technology.

We want you to know we have survived our Awakening Journey!!! and that everything you are going through is okay and “everything will be okay”!!! You are on the right path!

Let’s together, Raise the Consciousness of YOU as an individual, and humanity and ascend into higher states of consciousness.

Wishing you a beautiful journey

Pete and Roxy xx






Message +1 (904) 966-4466

Site: www.awakening.education

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