Are you looking for a Motivational Speaker that will absolutely charm your Event & Audience?
Look no further :)
Pete and Roxy offer couple speaking engagements together and also separately!
We are here to be of service and motivated souls to their highest potential. Encouraging them on a soul to soul level we connect on a deep conscious wavelength that helps raise vibrations and elevate consciousness.
From a small crowd of 10 people to over 3,000 people in the house, Pete and Roxy are confident speakers to help inspire and education your audience in a FUN & LOVING way!
All the way from Australia these two lights will brighten any event and bring lots of joy, motivation and consciousness healing to your event!
Pete and Roxy are capable of weaving any theme of your event through their presentation so everything flows!
Pete and Roxy are based between California and Australia throughout the year.
Message +1 (904) 966-4466